9/19/1980 Van Halen (Photo: Mike Romano)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy)

9/19/1980 Van Halen (Photo: Mike Romano)

9/19/1980 Van Halen (Photo: Mike Romano)

9/19/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: N. Panicci))

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: N. Panicci))

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: N. Panicci))

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: N. Panicci))

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: N. Panicci))

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: N. Panicci))

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/19/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena (photo: Don Atkins)

9/19/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena (photo: Don Atkins)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Don Atkins)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Mike Romy

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Don Atkins)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Don Atkins)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena (photo: Kevin Estrada)

9/19/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Van Halen with Chuck Norris LA Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Van Halen with Chuck Norris LA Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena

9/19 and 9/20/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena

9/19 and 9/20/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena

9/19 and 9/20/1980 Los Angeles Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena

9/19/1980 Van Halen LA Sports Arena

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena

9/20/1980 LA Sports Arena
The two photos with Chuck Norris…it should also be mentioned that the other gentleman in the photos is Bob ‘boards don’t hit back’ Wall of Enter the Dragon fame! There are two recordings floating around for each show…I should know…I taped them…lost the masters in a fire…but I traded/sold at least four copies in 81 out of a Circus ad!
It was rainy and we had to drive to the LA Sports Arena (RIP arena, it is a soccer field now) from Fullerton in OC. Nervous as hell that we would not make it on time. It worked out. Solid show. Like someone was spinning a record — that good. Got VERY lucky that a buddy — Robert P. Larsen had a extra ticket. Thank you Bob, your the best. He was so cool he spotted me a tour shirt that I wore out. If your out there Bob google me up so we can talk. Been over 40 years. I’ve been trying to track him down, no luck. Anyway, a show that I will always cherish and I think of often. Rock is out, and rap is in. We had a good run of it didn’t we all? Show goes to the grave with me… VH was a shiny new car off the showroom floor. Only from ’78 to 85′ for this core group of guys in their prime to see live. Like I say, got really lucky. One guy posted that this was a tour they did with high quality. “Invasion Tour”. Or — “party ’till you die tour”. No die for me, clean and sober 34 1/2 years. I die clean/sober hopefully. Mike D. Milbrandt